It's been two months since visiting the specialist about my hypothyroidism. Something that hasn't left my mind. I'll admit, it was a rather defeating moment for me after realizing that I was not going to get the answers that I truly wanted and felt I deserved. When you feel as all hope is feel confused, hurt, sadness, anger, and you even may want to give up. I've never been a quitter, but that thought had crossed my mind a few times. But then, I decided that all I needed was God and to become informed on my own.
I started doing my own research. It was more overwhelming than I ever expected. So many sources, so many different pieces of information. But I didn't allow that to stop me, day after day...and night after night...I kept searching for answers. Truth is, prayer is what helped me through all of this. See, no matter how down you are or how alone you feel, God is always there for us.
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