Wednesday, February 24, 2016

5 Ways To Love Your Body

Are you your own worst critic? Do you find yourself nitpicking over everything about yourself and especially your body? Do you feel embarrassed about your "problem areas?" Or do you feel like you have to make an excuse almost every time you talk to someone about how you feel with the way you look and feel?

If you have answered yes to almost every question or at least a assure that you are not alone. But this is a huge problem and it's something that you can and will overcome...all with a little love.

Love is such a powerful antidote. It doesn't cost anything. It's free. It's potent. It brings joy and happiness to yourself and those around you. And it's how you were created by our Lord.

Who doesn't want to feel free to themselves, rather than a slave to their thoughts, fears, and insecurities about their body? Honestly, STOP the self hate and negative talks! Just stop it! Right now. Right here. Vow to yourself that you will try your BEST to not speak negatively about yourself or your body. And if you slip up...because we are human... then speak OUT LOUD two positive attributes that you love about yourself. And yes! I am that serious!! Because what we fill our minds what we believe and... even conceive.

So how do we learn to truly love our bodies, to appreciate every inch, curve, bump, dip, imperfection... when we are flooded by multiple outlets of media shouting and screaming "perfectionism" at us? The answer isn't starving yourself or depriving yourself, it isn't becoming an obsessed workoutaholic, it isn't in great angles or the perfect lighting... it's about reminding yourself that your body was perfectly and fearfully made to do amazing things.

Here are my top 5 ways to (actually) love your body.

1. View your body as a holy and sacred temple.
Okay, yes...while I know this may sound a little different or even odd to some...just stick with me. It's no surprise that I'm a Christ-believer, but that's not where my journey ends with God. It's all about learning about who He is and understanding what He wants of us, for us, and with us. And all of that begins... is with yourself. Your body. God created us with purpose and reason. He gave us one and only one body. Not to destroy it, hate it, bash it, ridicule it...but to love it, honor it, cherish it, adore it. While we might never be perfect... God is. God doesn't make mistakes. God made us exactly in His image and created us exactly how He wanted to. ....let that just set in for a bit.

2. Dump the negative self-talk & dump the scale.
No, seriously and literally. Write down and list every negative, self-sabotaging, and mean thought that you have about your body and its imperfections on paper. After you have done that...take it, crumple it, and throw it in the trash. Yep, in the trash. Because that is where those thoughts belong and need to stay. Anyone who knows me, knows I am not in a relationship with the scale. The scale doesn't define me. It doesn't rule me. It doesn't even know me. Don't ever and I mean ever....let a number on a scale define who you are as a person. So dump it right there with your list in the trash! Call me and let me know how liberating that feels after you've done it!

3. One-up yourself.
There is really no good moment or situation to ever one-up someone.... except, when it comes to yourself. For every negative thought or emotion you have about yourself, one-up it. Actually...scratch that. Two-up yourself. They say for every negative thing that happens to you or is said to order to feel better, two positives need to occur. Be confident and speak these words with conviction.

4. Stop putting yourself down in front of others.
Let me just be honest. It is so awkward and uncomfortable when you're hanging out with a few friends and there's someone who's constantly putting themselves down every chance they get. Don't be that person. Instead, lift yourself up in front of others. By no means am I talking about bragging. But don't insult yourself. Ever. "Fat talk" or body shaming is not only rude and distasteful...but it's also contagious. It brings others to think about their own imperfections. And the last thing you want is that person to start hating their own body.

5. Move and groove every single day. 
Yes, I am a huge believer and exercise activist, but that's because it saved me from my post-partum depression and anxiety. However, the key is to get up and moving! Not only is it healthy for you physically, but it's healthy for you emotionally as well. Man oh man...those endorphins are real! They can make you forget about the bad day you were having! And who doesn't want to forget about those?! It's important to make time to exercise, to dance, or do anything that you love and find joy in doing! Just promise yourself that you are important enough to make the effort and time.

While I do know some of these steps are easier said than one said it would be easy. In fact, the things that are the hardest are the things that change and shape us even more. They will be uncomfortable and even challenging...but they will help us learn and grow. Before, I go...I want you know just how important you are to me. How much your worth matters to me. But your importance and your worth should matter to you. You are worth of so much more love than you allow in your mind, body, and soul. It's time to break, shatter, and burn down those walls. <3


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